Can I be picky?
My friend Jason made a good suggestion in response to my last blog about exercise. Since I probably never run a 26K, he recommended a 5K. I am willing to think about it but have lots of questions. And for starters, I was able to run 1 mile on the treadmill. Only two to go but it will be a long road.
I can afford to be picky about my exercise regimen but can I be picky about my religion? Jesus tells us to count the cost and to love the Lord your God with all your heart, strength and soul.
Does this mean that our culture is against us because we have a "want it all, want it now" mentality?
How much is "enough" religion? Is Sunday morning enough of a relationship?
Compare exercise with religion - I only need to exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes and I can feel the benefits. Can you be religious for 30 minutes a day and feel the benefits?
I can afford to be picky about my exercise regimen but can I be picky about my religion? Jesus tells us to count the cost and to love the Lord your God with all your heart, strength and soul.
Does this mean that our culture is against us because we have a "want it all, want it now" mentality?
How much is "enough" religion? Is Sunday morning enough of a relationship?
Compare exercise with religion - I only need to exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes and I can feel the benefits. Can you be religious for 30 minutes a day and feel the benefits?
Yes, that is good. I like what you are saying. But, that may be where the analogies deepen. I think it is more than the exercise 30min per day. We include diet, rest, and mental health. I have noticed that my diet has a bigger impact on being in shape than I thought.
So spirituality is also similar. It is more than the daily reading and prayer. It is sharing my faith, serving others, breaking out of my comfort zone, occassional fasting, and trying to put away some of the sin I face. Grace keeps me going. It is not about works it is about discipleship and seeing my life as wholly committed to something--in this case Jesus.
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