You talk back
When Calvin Coolidge was Vice-President, his successor as Governor of Massachusetts, Channing Cox, paid him a visit. Cox asked how Coolidge had been able to see so many visitors a day when he was governor, but always leave the office at 5:00 p.m., while Cox himself found he often left as late as 9:00 p.m. "Why the difference?" he asked. "You talk back," said Coolidge.
I like this story because it shows the value of communication in a slightly funny way. I have read many blogs that talk about many things. It is on my heart to write encouraging messages
that can uplift and inspire all of us.
I could talk about many things, the accident in 1982 where we hit a semi truck head on and the two people in the front seat died, the person next to me on my left, spent 3 months in ICU and I came away with no life threatening injuries. Or about my son Matthew that died at the age of 9 months due to a genetic disorder. Or my journey to overcome verbal abuse at the hands of my father. Or my sister-in-law, who is now in jail for aggravated murder.
I like what Paul says in 1st Corinthians 14:19 "But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue."
To paraphrase Paul, I would rather write five words of encouragement than to write ten thousand words about nothing.
I like this story because it shows the value of communication in a slightly funny way. I have read many blogs that talk about many things. It is on my heart to write encouraging messages
that can uplift and inspire all of us.
I could talk about many things, the accident in 1982 where we hit a semi truck head on and the two people in the front seat died, the person next to me on my left, spent 3 months in ICU and I came away with no life threatening injuries. Or about my son Matthew that died at the age of 9 months due to a genetic disorder. Or my journey to overcome verbal abuse at the hands of my father. Or my sister-in-law, who is now in jail for aggravated murder.
I like what Paul says in 1st Corinthians 14:19 "But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue."
To paraphrase Paul, I would rather write five words of encouragement than to write ten thousand words about nothing.
I encourage you to talk back to me, I just don't want to hear myself talk. I have heard enough of that.